
The Good and the Beautiful Handwriting: What It’s All About

The Good and the Beautiful’s award-winning handwriting curriculum was named the most popular among homeschool families in 2022! 

When you open one of our handwriting books, you immediately notice The Good and the Beautiful difference. Each page contains meaningful activities and gentle illustrations that focus on family, nature, God, and beauty. 

Here are a few things to help you determine whether our workbooks are a good match for your family. Watch the video below or keep reading to learn more! 

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Our Handwriting Workbooks Are Unique

Parents love our handwriting lessons because they are meaningful! Kids love them because they are fun! 

Most pages include an art or drawing activity to add an element of fun to motivate your child to improve fine motor skills. While your child learns letter formation, he or she also completes character-building copywork like poetry, grammar rules, or Bible verses.

Each handwriting workbook (Pre-Writing to Level 7) contains 100 pages and can be finished in a typical school year by completing three to four pages a week. 

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For Littles: First Handwriting Books

Our two-part Doodles & Pre-Writing for Littles workbooks are ideal for children ages 2½ to 5 years old. 

Children focus on pre-writing strokes they will later use in print letter formation. These engaging workbooks also give children the opportunity to practice correct pencil grip. The fun exercises strengthen and develop the muscles in little hands, preparing early learners for more extensive writing in higher levels. 

Optional discussion points give parents a chance to gently introduce basic math, geography, music, language arts, and science concepts. Children around the world love these little books!

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Develop Good Handwriting Habits

Beginning with Handwriting Level K and continuing through Levels 1 and 2, The Good and the Beautiful Handwriting focuses on print letter formation. These workbooks are ideal for kindergarten through second grade, when children spend much of their time developing good writing habits. 

Our style is closest to the Zaner-Bloser, which teaches a straight-up-and-down manuscript letter formation instead of a slanted formation. These handwriting lessons also include coloring and drawing activities to solidify the fine motor skills necessary for proper handwriting.

Learn more about proper pencil grip!

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Expand Handwriting Techniques

Our Handwriting Level 3 workbook introduces cursive writing while continuing to refine print formation. The Good and the Beautiful teaches cursive using a unique colored dot system developed by Jenny Phillips. This allows students to complete handwriting lessons independently if desired, even while learning brand-new concepts. 

Levels 4 through 7 focus on cursive writing while integrating poetry, grammar, geography, art, architecture, and nature appreciation. Copywork encourages kindness, honesty, hard work, gratitude, and integrity, while drawing activities provide each student with the opportunity to develop his or her own artistic style.

Explore all of our best-selling handwriting courses today and experience the impact a good and beautiful handwriting foundation can have on your child!

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  • Cortney Palmatier

    Cursive is becoming a lost art!! I’m so glad you offer this 😊

  • Courtney

    We absolutely loved the Doodles and Ore-Writing for Littles! We can wait to see what the higher levels have in store for us!

  • Marisa

    We’ve loved the handwriting books. My daughter especially loves the certificates at the end.

  • Kaitlan Grigg

    We love these handwriting courses! Thank you!

  • Amanda

    I want to use these this year. I have 2 littles beginning this year and I want to get them all the tools to be successful.