
5 Reasons to Switch Your Homeschool Math Curriculum

Are you searching for a new homeschool math curriculum? Look no further! We have compiled the top five reasons to switch to Simply Good and Beautiful Math

We believe it is the best homeschool math curriculum on the market, and hundreds of thousands of families agree!

Photograph of Girl Doing Homeschool Math Grade 5

“At the end of the day, what’s most important is that my children WANT to learn and are EXCITED to complete lessons! Your curriculum is creating an environment where we are all so much happier about the process and JOY of learning math!” —Meagan

Simply Good and Beautiful Math Levels K-6 are always available as free PDF downloads to make homeschooling possible and affordable for everyone.

Don’t miss our free homeschool math curriculum!

Homeschool Math Course Book Covers for Kindergarten to Grade 7

Five Reasons to Switch to Simply Good and Beautiful Math

1. It works!

Rave reviews tell us that students who previously struggled with math are learning more than ever. A parent commented that her child, who struggled for years with a particular concept, understood the topic immediately upon switching to Simply Good and Beautiful Math. Our curriculum explains concepts in a way that maximizes student understanding, and our spiral approach helps the student retain math skills.

“Simply Good and Beautiful Math has totally turned my 4th-grade daughter’s attitude towards math around. She now looks forward to it instead of dreading it! The fact that so many of your curriculum documents are offered for free just blows my mind! Thank you so, so much! ” —Penny from New Zealand 

2. It is “simply” math!

Lessons teach math concepts in many ways, but we focus on what we believe to be the simplest, clearest, time-proven methods. In other subjects, content often changes over time. Math is and has always been the same! We don’t overcomplicate math just to teach it in a different way. Simply Good and Beautiful Math focuses on math. It’s as simple as that!

Photograph of mom and son working on math lessons together
3. It is fun and engaging!

Math is often a student’s least favorite subject, but it doesn’t have to be. Each course book’s content (and videos for Level 4 and above) presents the material in engaging ways. The lessons capture a student’s attention and make him or her an active part of the learning. Games and activities make learning and applying math concepts fun  throughout each course book.

Photograph of Mother and Son Working on Homeschool Kindergarten Math from The Good and the Beautiful
4. It is good and beautiful!

We have a passion for bringing children a wholesome homeschool math curriculum that is good and beautiful. We could not find another math program that does this, so we created one that fits our mission and complements the other subjects your children are learning. Math lessons incorporate God, nature, high character, diversity, and real-life applications.

5. It fits with your homeschool day!

Math doesn’t have to take all day to complete! Lessons are designed with the student in mind, as well as the parent. Parents can use this homeschool math curriculum to fit within their school day and with teaching multiple children. Math K through 3 include clear instructions for parents to use while teaching their children, and Math 4 and above include instructional videos.

Photograph of Girl Working on Math Curriculum for Grade 7 and Watching Lesson on Tablet

Learn More

Learn more about each level of Simply Good and Beautiful Math curriculum by watching the flip-through videos below!

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