Category: Language Arts

High in the rugged Andes of Ecuador, ten-year-old Chico works hard and lives happily with his grandfather and his pet bear, Chan. By firelight, Grandfather tells Chico amazing stories about the Inca and the other ancient people who once inhabited their land. Chico has always felt a close connection to the mountains, his tierra—that is, until he discovers he is an orphan, found out on the moors, and that his grandfather is merely a kind stranger who took Chico in as a baby. Shocked and confused, Chico determines to travel to the city, leaving behind his beloved mountains, to track down his lost family and discover who he truly is.

  • 180 pages
  • Black-and-white original illustrations
  • Paperback, perfect binding, 5.5″x8.5″

Chico of the Andes is part of the Level 5 Book Set and is integrated into the Level 5 Language Arts Course Set. This book is an unabridged reprint with original illustrations and updated grammar and spelling. 

Chico of the Andes by Christine Von Hagen


Marjorie Jefferson is used to a life of indulgence in Ohio, but when her parents must travel overseas for her father’s health, Marjorie is sent to stay with Lucy, her childhood nurse. Lucy lives on the beautiful island of Monhegan, where hard work and kindness are of great value. However, Marjorie doesn’t see anything valuable in living on Monhegan Island, and Dan, Lucy’s husband, doesn’t appreciate Marjorie’s poor attitude. The longer Marjorie stays on the island, though, the more she finds that there’s something special about life on Monhegan that could forever change her—something more than just the fresh sea air.

Marjorie is part of the Level 5 Book Set and is integrated into the Language Arts Level 5 course.

Marjorie by Sidney Baldwin


Fritz is fourteen years old and already dreams of being famous. Although he loves his family, he wants nothing to do with his father’s farm or clockmaking business. His dreams of grandeur are only heightened when he gets lost in the woods and befriends a family with more material wealth than he is used to. Then one unexpected event changes everything. Penned with beautifully descriptive style, The Clockmaker’s Son tells the story of one honorable young man as his sacrificing family, good friends, a newfound faith in Christ, and fierce determination help him turn his life around when it seems darker than he could have ever imagined.

The Clockmaker’s Sonis part of the Level 5 Book Set and is integrated into the Language Arts Level 5 course.

The Clockmaker’s Son by Jenny Phillips


The Watercolor Around the World set includes:

The Watercolor Around the World Set is part of the Level 5 Book Set and is integrated into the Language Arts Level 5 course. Watercolors, brushes, and other supplies not included. Instruction Book and Template Sheets only sold as a set, not sold separately.

Watercolor Around the World Set Language Arts Level 5


This beautiful and academically strong course covers writing, spelling, reading, literature, grammar, usage, punctuation, vocabulary, geography, and art appreciation and instruction. The open-and-go course book includes 120 student-guided lessons. The 266 full-color pages are filled with beautiful literature, magnificent art, and connected learning. 

The Level 4 Spelling & Writing Workshops, Level 4 Personal Reader, and Level 4 World Biographies Reader are also needed to complete the course.

Please note this book has been transitioned to layflat binding. No changes to content have been made.

Course Book Language Arts Level 4


The Spelling & Writing Workshops book includes short, effective lessons to improve spelling and writing skills. The Course Book will guide students to complete the workshops. This book can be used independent from this course for older children.

Please note this book has been transitioned to layflat binding. No changes to content have been made.

Spelling & Writing Workshops Language Arts Level 4


The reader is integrated with the lessons and required to complete the course.

Personal Reader Language Arts Level 4


The reader is integrated with the lessons and required to complete the course.

World Biographies Reader Language Arts Level 4


Click to Access FREE PDF Language Arts Course Set for Kindergarten to Grade 8

Level 6 Language Arts Course Set


This beautiful and academically strong course covers writing, literature, spelling, vocabulary, geography, art, and grammar, usage, and punctuation. With beautiful literature, magnificent art, and the connected learning, this mainly self-directed 267-page full-color course is academically thorough and has a strong emphasis on writing. Lessons take children step-by-step through the writing process with meaningful assignments which are connected to the literature and geography they are studying.

Course Book Language Arts Level 6


The 52-page Level 6 Answer Key accompanies the Course Book.

Answer Key Language Arts Level 6


This 208-page Reader contains selections from When I was Young (an autobiography of Laura E. Richards) and the following full-length classic books: Saved at Sea by O.F. Walton and Queen Hildegarde by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards.

Reader Language Arts Level 6


Click to Access FREE PDF Language Arts Course Set for Kindergarten to Grade 8

Level 7 Language Arts Course Set


This beautiful and academically strong course covers reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation, literature, art, vocabulary and geography. With beautiful literature, magnificent art, and connected learning, this mainly self-directed, open-and-go course book guides children through learning in an enjoyable, engaging way.

The Level 7 Course Companion, Favorite Classics Reader, Daily Checklist and Geography & Grammar Cards are also needed to complete the course.

Course Book Language Arts Level 7


An integrated part of the level 7 course, the course companion contains poetry, quick reference, answer key, course readings and sentence dictation.

Course Companion Language Arts Level 7


An integrated part of the Level 7 course, the 281-page Favorite Classics Reader is designed to help children experience and love “good and beautiful” style literature.

Reader Language Arts Level 7


This component of the Level 7 course is used daily by children in order to plan and track the completion of all work.

Daily Checklist


For use with language arts levels 5–7, children master grammar concepts and physical geography through daily review of these cards. Grammar concepts covered include parts of speech, mechanics, punctuation, and usage. Geography concepts covered include oceans, continents, countries, provinces, states, regions, and capitals.

The Geography & Grammar Cards are nonconsumable and are used for Levels 5–7 Language Arts Courses. Only one set is needed and can be shared amongst all your children for Levels 5–7.

Geography & Grammar Cards Language Arts Levels 5–7


For use with levels 5–7, children master grammar concepts and geography through daily review of these cards.

Geography & Grammar Cards (PDF)


This book study contains 28 lessons that guide the student through the book Abraham Lincoln by Wilbur Fisk Gordy. For more information, download the sample and read the “About the Book Study” section.

Abraham Lincoln by Wilbur Fisk Gordy and the Grammar and Writing Guide are also needed to complete this Book Study.

Level 8 Book Study Abraham Lincoln

Level 8

Written in 1917, Wilbur Gordy’s biography of Abraham Lincoln brings to life one of the great men of history. The biography is not fictionalized; it sticks to factual information and stories, but it is presented in a way that makes history interesting and meaningful. As the book travels through the life of Abraham Lincoln, from boyhood on up, valuable lessons are taught about wisdom, kindness, honesty, hard work, love of learning, and persevering through trials.

The Abraham Lincoln Level 8 Book Study is available to accompany this book.

Abraham Lincoln by Wilbur Fisk Gordy


This book study contains 28 lessons that guide the student through the books The Touch of Magic by Lorena A. Hickok and The Story of My Life by Helen Keller. For more information, download the sample and read the “About the Book Study” section.

The Touch of Magic by Lorena A. Hickok and The Story of My Life by Helen Keller (combined into one book from The Good and the Beautiful) and the Grammar and Writing Guide are also needed to complete this Book Study.

Level 8 Book Study The Touch of Magic and The Story of My Life

Level 9

Helen Keller’s autobiography, The Story of My Life, is not only fascinating and inspiring, but it also includes wonderful description, an elevated vocabulary, and deep insights into life. Accompanying this autobiography is a beautifully written biography, The Touch of Magic, about Helen Keller’s teacher, Annie Sullivan. As a destitute, misbehaving orphan who is going blind, Annie experiences and overcomes the extreme trials in her life, which prepare her for the great work she does with Helen Keller.

The Touch of Magic Level 8 Book Study is available to accompany this book.

The Touch of Magic and The Story of My Life by Lorena A. Hickok and Helen Keller
