FAQs, Helps, and Extras
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Language Arts Curriculum FAQs
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For more free downloads, visit the FAQs, Helps, and Extras page for each subject and level.
Pencil Grip | How and Why To Teach It
How do I get started and what do I need to order?
We are so happy that you chose The Good and the Beautiful to be part of your homeschooling journey!
This is one of the most common questions parents have when they first visit our website. Our Getting Started Guide will help you navigate what products are needed and what is typically used for each age group. We also have recommendations for each grade level at the link below.
Choose Your Grade Once you’ve received your order, this same guide will walk you through your new courses.
How do your Language Arts levels compare to public school grade levels?
As we create new editions of language arts, we are aligning the instruction methods and layouts more toward grade level. We are focusing the lower levels more on reading, writing, and spelling.
Many concepts are still considered advanced but they are introduced in lessons that are easier to follow for both the child (in the self-guided levels) and the parent (in levels 3 and under). We now save some of the more complex grammar concepts for higher levels, but grammar is still covered thoroughly. Our courses have increased, rather than decreased, in how thorough and rigorous they are for children as there is more learning woven into each and every lesson. If your child is advanced, he or she may be able to move through the lessons more quickly.
You can download our Language Arts Levels K-8 for free. By downloading the free courses, you will be able to see exactly how concepts are introduced and taught.
I am partway through a language arts course released before 2022 and want to know if I should stop where I am at and start the new edition of the course.
If you are PARTWAY through a language arts course released before 2022 and you want to switch to the new edition of the course released in 2022 rather than finishing the original edition, we suggest starting at the beginning of the new edition of the course and skipping sections already mastered. The scope and sequence of the new editions are completely changed.
If my child hasn’t finished an entire course, is it OK for my child to move to the next course level?
It is typically not recommended to start a new course before completing the previous course, especially when the child is learning foundational phonics and reading principles. However, if you would like to assess if your child is ready for the next level prior to finishing the level you are on, administer the reading level assessment included in our Course Placement Test. If your child passes the reading assessment that corresponds to the child’s age/grade level, it can work to move to the next course level without finishing the current course level the child is on.
Which level should I choose for my child?
Most children can start on the corresponding grade level for their age if they do not need extra reading help. We suggest taking the Placement Test if you are unsure whether the child needs extra reading help. Extensive placement FAQs can be found on the Placement Test document.
My child finished early. Do I wait until next year to start the next level?
No, you can continue straight into the next level when your child finishes.
Do I have to use the apps to complete the courses?
We have introduced a free Letter Tiles app that can be used in correlation with the lessons and which has been a favorite with pilot families.
We have also released a Homeschool app, which will be a tremendous resource and make it easy and quick for you to access resources.
The app resources are highly recommended to enhance learning, and pilot families, even those who do not use screens in their homes, were raving about the videos, video books, and spelling resources. Most parts of the courses can be completed without the use of our apps, but some parts, especially geography, and some highly effective spelling rule videos require the use of the app, but those parts can be skipped if desired. The apps can be accessed and used on the computer if desired.
Are there answer keys for all levels? Are the answer keys for the old levels still available?
Yes, there are answer keys for Levels K-8. There is not an Answer Key for Kindergarten Prep since the answers are very basic. Answer keys are available as a free download and include answers only to select pages (not every page).
To access the free download of the Answer Keys for Language Arts Levels K-5 and Level 8 Book Studies go to goodandbeautiful.com, navigate to the Level Language Arts product page, and click on the “FAQs, Helps, and Extras” button below the product image.
The Language Arts Level 6 Answer Key is included in the free PDF download of Language Arts Level 6. You can download the full course including the Answer Key here: https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/free-downloads/language-arts-level-6/
The Language Arts Level 7 Answer Key is included in the Level 7 Course Companion beginning on page 119. You can download Language Arts Level 7 including the Level 7 Course Companion here: https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/free-downloads/language-arts-level-7/
The previous edition Answer Keys for Language Arts are no longer available.
How do I transition from the old edition to the new edition?
You can move straight into the new edition. The new edition courses are adjusted to be more on grade level, but we still teach almost all the same concepts and topics just as thoroughly, and in many cases more thoroughly. The difference is that we teach the concepts in a more gentle way that is age appropriate for the child, so that the child does not get overwhelmed.
When will the Nature Readers (for Levels K-2) be released?
My First, Second, and Third Nature Readers and My First Africa Reader are available now. My Second and Third Africa Readers will be released after that. At this point, we have not decided if we will have other My First, Second, and Third Readers series after that.
How do I report a typo/error?
Please email our customer support team (support@goodandbeautiful.com) if you find a typo in the curriculum. If you are using an edition that is older than two years, the typo has most likely been fixed and will not need to be reported.
Do The Good and the Beautiful Language Arts courses follow Common Core standards? How does it compare to public school?
Our curriculum does not follow Common Core standards, but it does match or exceed most national public school standards. The academic spine of our curriculum was developed by compiling national state standards and then determining which ones match Good and Beautiful moral standards and the abilities of our pilot families. We believe that children who work on The Good and the Beautiful curriculum consistently each day will find that they are far above public school standards.
What educational philosophies does the Language Arts curriculum follow?
The Language Arts courses are not based on one specific educational philosophy or method. Rather, the creators of the curriculum intensely studied many different philosophies over a period of years and compiled what they felt were the best elements from several different philosophies, pulling mainly from Charlotte Mason.
Does the curriculum include doctrines specific to any certain Christian denomination?
No. The goal of The Good and the Beautiful curriculum is not to teach doctrines specific to a particular Christian sect, but to teach general principles of moral character such as honesty and kindness. The King James Version of the Bible is used when quoting Bible verses.
Which language arts courses have new editions and when did they release?
Language Arts New Edition Schedule (Schedule Last Updated February 2025)
Any courses that do not have a future date do not have new editions in active development.
Preschool: A new edition of our Preschool Course (which replaced our Pre-K Language Arts course) released on August 30, 2021.
Kindergarten Prep: Kindergarten Prep (which replaced our Level K Primer course) was released on April 19, 2022.
Level K: A new edition was released on June 7, 2022.
Level 1: A new edition was released on June 14, 2022.
Level 2: A new edition was released on July 12, 2022.
Level 3: A new edition was released on June 6, 2023.
Level 4: A new edition was released on October 12, 2020. We anticipate releasing a new edition in 2026. No exact release date is available at this time.
Level 5: A new edition was released on March 8, 2022. We anticipate releasing a new edition in 2026. No exact release date is available at this time.
Level 6: A new edition of Level 6 is in development, and we anticipate releasing it in 2026. No exact release date is available at this time.
Level 7: A new edition of Level 7 is in development. There is no release date available at this time.
Level 8: A new edition of Level 8 will be released in the coming years after the Level 6 and 7 courses are released. It will be a full-length course that will replace our current Level 8 Book Studies.
High School: We do not have immediate plans to revise these courses. We will only be releasing High School Biology in 2025 and will not be releasing any more high school courses this year.
The course book isn't very large; is it supposed to last an entire school year?
The length of time it will take a child to go through the course book will vary with each child. For some children it will take an entire year or more, and for others the course book will be finished in a few months. Whenever you finish, move on to the Level Kindergarten Prep course.
What age should I start my child?
Most children start the course at the age of 3 or 4. If your child can count to five and recognize pictures of and say the words for apple, monkey, alligator, garbage can, elephant, and dinosaur, he or she is ready for the course. However, we strongly recommend not moving the child through the course too quickly. Some children, especially younger children, will need to move slower than others.
Why are some letters missing from the games in my Folder Activities?
Each game is meant to focus only on a select number of letters. None of the games contain all letters in the alphabet.
I am teaching multiple children. What do I need to purchase?
Each child in your household will need their own Course Book and Practice Sheets. The Folder Activities are non-consumable and can be shared. If you are teaching a co-op, school, or other class, each student will need their own copy of each item.
What has changed from the last edition?
All components have changed and lessons have been completely redesigned. The course also now includes 90 lessons.
Kindergarten Prep
Do I need to have my child complete Kindergarten Prep before Level K?
Not necessarily. If a child has completely mastered all the letters and their sounds (including short and long vowel sounds), knows the vowels, can sing the alphabet, and can sound out short, simple two and three letter words, the child is ready to begin the Level K course. Children who use the Kindergarten Prep course will be better prepared for the speed of the Level K course.
What items do I need to teach Kindergarten Prep?
Everything you need comes in the course book including 15 punch pages in the Appendix. The course book tells you when to remove the pages and play the games.
How do I use/access the learning songs?
All the songs used in this course are available for free. They are available above or on the free Good and Beautiful Homeschool app. Many of the songs and videos can also be viewed on The Good and the Beautiful Kids YouTube channel.
How long should a lesson take?
Lesson length will vary greatly between children. Have the child do as much work each day as the child’s attention span will allow. You do not need to complete exactly one lesson a day. You might do less than or more than one lesson. Look for cues of frustration or fatigue to help you know when to end. The child will learn much from you as you display love, patience, and enthusiasm for learning.
What if my child has finished the Preschool course but has not mastered letter recognition and sounds?
While this course reviews and cements letter recognition and the sounds of letters, the child needs to have these items mastered before starting this course. If the preschool course has already been taken but the child doesn’t quite have the letters mastered, use the Preschool Folder Activities that come with the preschool course and accompanying flashcards until the letters are mastered.
How many lessons are in Kindergarten Prep?
It includes 30 open-and-go lessons.
How is the new edition different from the previous one?
Like all of our language arts courses, the following subjects are integrated into the course: reading, writing, literature, spelling, geography, art appreciation, art instruction, grammar, usage, and punctuation.
The Level K course set comes with three items: The Level K course book, Reading Booster A Cards, and Reading Booster A Books Set. A Level K Answer Key is available as a free download above and on The Good and the Beautiful Homeschool app. This answer key includes answers only to select pages (not every page).
Lessons take 10-15 minutes. The course also encourages you to work with the child on reading booster cards or books for 6 to 10 minutes. Level K focuses heavily on phonics and reading and requires one-on-one time with a parent or teacher each day.
This course includes a total of three units and three unit reviews. The assessment includes extra practice for any principle the child does not pass so you can check the child’s progress and assign extra practice as needed.
You are welcome to download the entire course (for free) on our website to see if it is a good fit for your family. There is also a flip-through video of our amazing new Language Arts Level K above.
How long will it take to complete the Level K Course Book?
The course consists of 120 lessons divided into three units and three unit reviews. To complete the course in one average school year, the child should complete one lesson daily, four days a week. This allows for five weeks of vacation days and/or sick days in addition to normal school breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break.
Is there an Answer Key?
An answer key is available on The Good and the Beautiful Homeschool app or as a free download above.
Are PDFs free to download?
The PDFs are free for all items that are part of the course set. You can purchase a PDF of the optional My First Nature Reader under Recommended Resources on the Language Arts Level K product page.
Does my child need to master the subject before moving on to the next level?
All of our levels have a lot of review. We do not expect children to retain everything learned the first time concepts are introduced. Therefore, we build review into our courses in a spiral method. All concepts taught will be covered again, usually multiple times.
When is my child ready to begin the Level K course?
The child is ready to begin Level K when he or she has all the letters and their most common sound solidly mastered and can identify all the letters as either uppercase or lowercase. The child should also be able to recite the alphabet. Please see our Placement Test for additional placement suggestions and details.
I am teaching more than one child. What do I need to purchase?
Each child will need their own Course Book. The Booster Cards and Booster Books Sets can be shared. The Booster Cards do have only one set of stickers the child gets to use to show completion so each child may benefit and enjoy having their own set of Booster Cards.
When will the Nature Readers (for Levels K-2) be released?
My First, Second, and Third Nature Readers and My First Africa Reader are available now. My Second and Third Africa Readers will be released after that. At this point, we have not decided if we will have other My First, Second, and Third Readers series after that.
When do I use the My First, Second, and Third Nature Readers?
The Good and the Beautiful My First, Second, and Third Nature Readers are designed to give the child extra independent reading practice at exactly the level the child is on, which boosts confidence and makes reading less overwhelming and a more enjoyable and positive experience.
These wonderful books to read are not integrated with the courses, but all they all follow the exact scope and and sequence of the Reading Booster Cards as follows:
My First Nature Reader: Reader Booster A Cards
My Second Nature Reader: Reader Booster B Cards
My Third Nature Reader: Reader Booster C Cards
Level 1
How is the new edition different from the current one?
Like all of our language arts courses, the following subjects are integrated into the course: reading, writing, literature, spelling, geography, art appreciation, art instruction, grammar, usage, and punctuation.
The Level 1 course set comes with three items: The Level 1 course book, Reading Booster B Cards, and Reading Booster B Books Set. A Level 1 Answer Key is available as a free download above and on The Good and the Beautiful Homeschool app. This answer key includes answers only to select pages (not every page).
Lessons have been streamlined to take less time but to be packed with even more learning presented in a way that is not overwhelming.. The course encourages you to work with the child on reading booster cards or books for 6 to 10 minutes. Level 1 focuses heavily on phonics and reading and requires one-on-one time with a parent or teacher each day.
This course includes a total of three units and three unit reviews. The assessment includes extra practice for any principle the child does not pass so you can check the child’s progress and assign extra practice as needed.
You are welcome to download the entire course (for free) on our website to see if it is a good fit for your family. There is also a flip-through video of our amazing new Language Arts Level 1 above.
How long will it take to complete the Level One Course Book?
The course consists of 120 lessons divided into three units and three unit reviews. To complete the course in one average school year, the child should complete one lesson daily, four days a week. This allows for five weeks of vacation days and/or sick days in addition to normal school breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break.
Is there an Answer Key?
An answer key is available on The Good and the Beautiful Homeschool app or as a free download above.
Are PDFs free to download?
The PDFs are free for all items that are part of the course set. You can purchase a PDF of the optional My First Nature Reader under Recommended Resources on the Level 1 product page.
Does my child need to master the subject before moving on to the next level?
All of our levels have a lot of review. We do not expect children to retain everything learned the first time concepts are introduced. Therefore, we build review into our courses in a spiral method. All concepts taught will be covered again, usually multiple times.
I am teaching more than one child. What do I need to purchase?
Each child will need their own Course Book. The Booster Cards and Booster Books Sets can be shared. The Booster Cards do have only one set of stickers the child gets to use to show completion so each child may benefit and enjoy having their own set of Booster Cards.
When will the Nature Readers (for Levels K-2) be released?
My First, Second, and Third Nature Readers and My First Africa Reader are available now. My Second and Third Africa Readers will be released after that. At this point, we have not decided if we will have other My First, Second, and Third Readers series after that.
When do I use the My First, Second, and Third Nature Readers?
The Good and the Beautiful My First, Second, and Third Nature Readers are designed to give the child extra independent reading practice at exactly the level the child is on, which boosts confidence and makes reading less overwhelming and a more enjoyable and positive experience.
These wonderful books to read are not integrated with the courses, but all they all follow the exact scope and and sequence of the Reading Booster Cards as follows:
My First Nature Reader: Reader Booster A Cards
My Second Nature Reader: Reader Booster B Cards
My Third Nature Reader: Reader Booster C Cards
What is dictation? How is it done?
To dictate a sentence or a word means you say the sentence or word out loud and the child writes it down. After each word or sentence, give any correction needed. Have the child write the sentence or word correctly if it was incorrect the first time.
Why aren’t there spelling lists in the new course?
This course does not focus on spelling lists or memorization of spelling words. Rather, the course teaches how to segment and decode words in order to spell them based on known phonics principles. In addition, children practice spelling a small number of high-frequency and irregular words right in the lessons; these are the “Unit Spelling Words.” Children will naturally know how to spell many words after learning the phonics principles behind the words. Teaching children to memorize a lot of decodable spelling words is time-consuming, frustrating, and ineffective. Children learn and practice spelling rules in higher-level courses.
Level 2
How is the new edition different from the previous one?
Like all of our Language Arts courses, the following subjects are integrated into the course: reading, writing, literature, spelling, geography, art appreciation, art instruction, grammar, usage, and punctuation.
The Level 2 Course Set comes with three items: The Level 2 Course Book, Reading Booster C Cards, and Reading Booster C Books Set. A Level 2 Answer Key is available as a free download above and on The Good and the Beautiful Homeschool app. This answer key includes answers only to select pages (not every page).
Lessons have been streamlined to take less time but to be packed with even more learning presented in a way that is not overwhelming. The course encourages you to work with the child on Reading Booster Cards or Books for 6 to 10 minutes at the beginning of each lesson. Level 2 focuses heavily on phonics and reading and requires one-on-one time with a parent or teacher each day.
This course includes a total of three units and three unit reviews. The assessment includes extra practice for any principle the child does not pass so you can check the child’s progress and assign extra practice as needed.
You are welcome to download the entire course (for free) on our website to see if it is a good fit for your family. There is also a flip-through video of our amazing new Language Arts Level 2 above.
How long will it take to complete the Level 2 Course Book?
The course consists of 120 lessons divided into three units and three unit reviews. To complete the course in one average school year, the child should complete one lesson daily, four days a week. This allows for five weeks of vacation days and/or sick days in addition to normal school breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break.
Are PDFs free to download?
The new edition of Level 2 is available as a free PDF download, so you can view the full course, including the Table of Contents.
The PDFs are free for all items that are part of the course set. You can purchase a PDF of the optional My Third Nature Reader under Recommended Resources on the Level 2 product page.
I am teaching more than one child. What do I need to purchase?
Each child will need his or her own Course Book. The Booster Cards and Booster Books Sets can be shared. The Booster Cards do have only one set of stickers the child gets to use to show completion so each child may benefit and enjoy having his or her own set of Booster Cards.
When do I use the My First, Second, and Third Nature Readers?
The Good and the Beautiful My First, Second, and Third Nature Readers are designed to give the child extra independent reading practice at exactly the level the child is on, which boosts confidence and makes reading less overwhelming and a more enjoyable and positive experience.
These wonderful books to read are not integrated into the course or required to complete the courses, but they all follow the exact scope and sequence of the Reading Booster Cards as follows:
My First Nature Reader: Reader Booster A Cards
My Second Nature Reader: Reader Booster B Cards
My Third Nature Reader: Reader Booster C Cards
What is dictation? How is it done?
To dictate a sentence or a word means you say the sentence or word out loud and the child writes it down. After each word or sentence, give any correction needed. Have the child write the sentence or word correctly if it was incorrect the first time.
Why aren’t there spelling lists in the new course?
This course does not focus on spelling lists or memorization of spelling words. Rather, the course teaches how to segment and decode words in order to spell them based on known phonics principles. In addition, children practice spelling a small number of high-frequency and irregular words right in the lessons; these are the “Unit Spelling Words.” Children will naturally know how to spell many words after learning the phonics principles behind the words. Teaching children to memorize a lot of decodable spelling words is time-consuming, frustrating, and ineffective. Children learn and practice spelling rules in higher-level courses.
Does my child need to master the subject before moving on to the next level?
All of our levels have a lot of review. We do not expect children to retain everything learned the first time concepts are introduced. Therefore, we build review into our courses in a spiral method. All concepts taught will be covered again, usually multiple times.
Level 3
Are the spelling and grammar rules reviewed in the next levels, or does my child need to master them now?
Spelling and grammar rules are reviewed in our upper-level lessons, so your child does not need to master them now.
Can my child work independently in Level 3?
Level 3 is meant to be completed one-on-one with a parent, as this course focuses heavily on phonics and reading. It is not required that your child complete one lesson per day, but rather, he or she will work for a certain amount of time. It is possible that only a portion of a lesson will be covered, or several lessons may be completed each day. Instructions are included in the course book.
Are the readers required to complete the course?
The Level 3 Course Set includes the Course Book, Spelling Practice Book, and Phonics Read-Together Book Set all of which are required to complete the course.
Level 4
Which pastels do I need?
You will need chalk pastels. Suggestions from Amazon.com: NuPastel 36 (high-quality recommendation) or B441R078-7003A (less expensive recommendation)
Can I transition to the new 2020 edition from the previous edition?
Yes, if desired. The scope and sequence for this course have changed, but families may transition by reviewing the free download to find the best place for their child to begin.
How much of the course has changed from the update in 2020? Do the children read the same books and stories?
About 90% of the course book has changed. The personal reader contains two new books and two books that were included in the original edition (Carlotta and The Belgian Twins). The Level 4 World Biographies Reader is brand new.
Does Level 4 still use the Creative Companion or Geography & Grammar Cards?
No. Many of the Creative Companion components have been integrated into the full-color course book. The Geography & Grammar Cards are now introduced in Level 5.
Level 5
How is the new edition different from the previous one?
Like all of our language arts courses, the following subjects are integrated into the course: reading, writing, literature, spelling, geography, art appreciation, art instruction, grammar, usage, and punctuation, and even just a little bit of baking and cooking, connected to the literature in the course.
The Level 5 course set comes with three items: The Level 5 course book, the Level 5 Book Set, and the geography and grammar cards. An answer key is also available as a free download or a physical answer key is available to purchase.The Level 5 Book Set comes in a sturdy box so you can keep the books and watercolor booklets stored together.
Lessons take 25 to 50 minutes. The course also encourages the child to do personal reading for at least 20 minutes every day. A separate daily checklist is no longer needed as everything is included in the Level 5 Language Arts Course Book. The course is mainly student-directed, as the previous edition was, with each lesson starting with a short section that the parent completes with the child. This course includes a total of six units, three section reviews and a course assessment. The assessment includes extra practice for any principle the child does not pass so you can check the child’s progress and assign extra practice as needed.
The new Watercolor Around the World activities are a unique component that was a big favorite with our pilot families. Step-by-step instructions for 12 projects that are integrated through the course connect to what the student is studying in the course. Also included are templates for each project printed on high-quality watercolor paper. Please note that if you print the unit yourself, we highly recommend that you use high-quality watercolor paper to make the projects easier and more fun for the child. You may want to consider purchasing the Watercolor Around the World set for this reason.
You will find a lay flat perfect binding on our Level 5 Course book, rather than the coil binding previously used. The pages are perforated for easy removal or the child can write directly into the book, as usual.
State capitals are memorized, as they were in the previous course, but we have now added Canadian Provinces and Territories.
You will still find a focus on writing with our writing workshops, but they are all combined into one course book, and now include additional projects such as hymn writing, which is incorporated through many activities and lessons throughout the course. Other writing assignments include writing essays, thank you notes, stories, articles, newsletters, book reviews, and nature poetry workshops.
Spelling workshops are now included in every other lesson and are located right in the course book. These activities are a powerful and fun way to create strong spellers. Spelling rules, unit spelling words, suffixes and prefixes, contractions, and commonly confused words and more are all covered in our new Level 5 Language Arts Course Set.
You are welcome to download the entire course (for free) on our website to see if it is a good fit for your family. There is also a flip-through video of our amazing new Language Arts Level 5 posted on our YouTube Channel.
Which watercolors do I need?
You will need a set of quality pan watercolors (not tube watercolors) with at least 24 colors including basic colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black). Although we do not have specific suggestions, this set is one that our customers have found to be a great option:
Watercolors on Amazon
Are the books required to complete the course?
All of the books in the Book Set are integrated into the course and required. The books can be purchased separately, but a discount is given when items are purchased together in the Book Set. There are four books that come in the set with the watercolor books and are required for the course. There is a fifth book that is available as an audiobook only on our website.
Unit 1: Chico of the Andes
Unit 2: Gabriel and the Hour Book (audiobook only)
Unit 3: Marjorie
Units 4 and 5: The Clockmaker’s Son
Unit 6: Captured Words
How long will it take to complete the Level Five Course Book?
The course consists of 120 lessons divided into six units, three section reviews, and a course assessment. To complete the course in one average school year, the child should complete one lesson daily, four days a week. This allows for five weeks of vacation days and/or sick days in addition to normal school breaks for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and spring break.
What is included in the Book Set?
- Watercolor Around the World, Instruction Book and Watercolor Pad. The course book tells students when to complete assignments in the Watercolor Around the World book.
- Books: Captured Words, Chico of the Andes, Marjorie, and The Clockmaker’s Son
- Assigned reading of each book is integrated with the lessons and required to complete the course.
Are the Geography & Grammar Cards still being used?
Yes, the course tells students when to practice the Geography & Grammar Cards.
Is there an Answer Key?
An answer key is available to purchase as a printed book under Recommended Resources or to download as a free PDF.
Is Language Arts Level 5 a parent-led level?
The child will do much of the learning on his or her own in this course. The lessons are designed to be engaging and very clear. They go in small, incremental steps so that the child is not confused or overwhelmed. The parent or teacher should check the child’s work on a daily basis, giving feedback.
Should I be editing my child’s writing assignments in the writing workshops and having him or her rewrite them?
Point out obvious errors, such as missing periods, and make sure the child followed instructions, such as using two or more transition words. Other than that, we suggest not having the child rewrite writing assignments. The child will be prompted to edit and revise writings.
Are the Watercolor Book and Template Sheets sold separately?
The Watercolor Book and Template are sold as a set. The set can be purchased separately from the Book Set.
Are PDFs still free to download?
The PDFs are free for all items, so your child can read the books in the Book Set on a screen if physical books are not important to you. However, the watercolor pad is the biggest problem with at-home printing. The watercolor pad has templates printed on it, and at home printers usually cannot print on watercolor paper. We strongly recommend students use watercolor paper, which is so much more effective than painting on regular copy paper.
Is there a challenging word/sentence climb?
The challenging word and sentence climbs are not included in this course level. Reading and vocabulary are taught with many other activities and with the literature incorporated throughout the course.
Level 6
When should my child start reading Little Lord Fauntleroy?
Your child will begin reading this book in Lesson 33.
Why is there no daily checklist for Level 6?
Each level is slightly different from the other levels in order to provide variety and to prevent boredom. In Level 6 there are less items for the student to do on a daily basis; however, a checklist is provided on the first page in your Level 6 Course Book.
Level 7
My child completed Level 7, is he or she really ready for High School Language Arts levels?
Yes, your child is now ready for our High School Language Arts levels. However, you may want your child to complete our Level 8 Book Studies before starting high school courses for some of the following reasons:
1. He or she finished Level 7 in the middle of a year and wants something to work on before starting high school in the upcoming school year.
2. He or she is not interested in eventually completing high school courses earlier than 12th grade.
3. He or she is not quite ready for more intense reading, or needs more review of principles before moving on to high school courses.
4. He or she is not old enough for books with more mature (but still appropriate) topics and some wholesome romance.
The Level 8 Book Studies are optional; students do not need to complete any Book Studies between Level 7 and high school. They do not teach any new grammar, punctuation, or usage principles. Rather, the Book Studies review principles learned through Level 7. However, the Book Studies include new literature, spelling words, memorization, geography, art, handwriting, and writing assignments.
Can I count Level 7 as high school credit?
The instruction in Level 7 is comparable to 9th grade work.
What do I do if my child has finished the Geography & Grammar cards?
Your child should review the completed cards once or twice a week to retain the information.
Level 8 Book Studies
Why were the Level 8 Book Studies created?
The Good and the Beautiful curriculum has no Level 8 Language Arts course. The language arts courses go from Level 7 to the high school courses. The Book Studies are designed for students who have completed The Good and the Beautiful Level 7 Language Arts course but do not want to start high school courses yet.
How are the Book Studies completed?
In these student-directed studies, the student simply reads and follows the instructions in each lesson. The parent or teacher checks the student’s work (daily or weekly) using the answer key.
How many Book Studies should be completed and in what order?
Each of the Book Studies has a different number of lessons, depending on the length of the book. Each lesson takes an average of 25–35 minutes to complete. It is recommended that a student doing Book Studies for their sole language arts instruction do 1–2 lessons per day.
The Book Studies do not go in any specific order. Students are encouraged to choose the Book Study they would like to complete, but they are also encouraged to choose a variety of genres, including biographies.
There is not a set number of Book Studies that should be completed. These studies are a way to keep students reading good literature, learning new vocabulary, writing, and reviewing principles learned in previous levels until they are ready to move to the high school courses. We will be releasing one Book Study every 4–6 months.
What is needed to complete a Book Study?
To complete a Book Study, you will need the following items:
1. The Book Study Booklet
2. The associated reading book
3. The Good and the Beautiful Grammar and Writing Guide (This non-consumable guide is also used for the high school courses.)
4. A blank (unlined) notebook for writing and drawing
5. Art supplies specific to each Book Study