• Store Hours

    Tuesdays 12 noon–6 p.m.

    Fridays and Saturdays 12 noon–3 p.m.

    We apologize but we cannot accommodate any additional shopping days or times.

  • Address

    870 N 100 E, Suite 105, Lehi, Utah

    Please enter the storefront, not the back warehouse door.

    Debit/credit only; no cash

  • Dates the Store Will Be Closed in 2025

    Saturday, April 5
    Friday, July 4
    Saturday, July 5
    Saturday, October 4
    Thursday, November 27
    Friday, November 28
    Saturday, November 29
    Thursday, December 25
    Friday, December 26
    Saturday, December 27

Storefront FAQs

What should I know before I come into the store?

It is suggested that you have each of your Pre-K–8 children take the language arts assessment and the reading level assessment before you come into the store. Payment options include debit or credit cards. No cash.

Can I place an order online and pick it up at The Good and the Beautiful storefront location?

Unfortunately, no. Logistics make that difficult. If you would like to pick up items, you will need to purchase them at the store during store hours.

What is sold at the storefront? Are items ever out of stock?

All products that are on the website are available at the storefront.  If an item is out of stock on the website, it is out of stock in the store.

I am coming in from out of town or out of the country on a certain day of the week when the store is not opened? Is there a way to pick up items from the store on another day?

Unfortunately, there is not.

Can I return items I purchased online at the store?


Can I get the same discounts/promotions at the store that are currently offered on the website?


Can I purchase PDF downloads at the store?

No. You will need to purchase those on your own; however, the Science Units do include PDFs, as well as the Arts and Crafts Notebook.

  • Language Arts Course Placement Test

    Use our quick placement test to place your child in the right level.

    Take Placement Test
  • Simply Good and Beautiful Math Placement Test

    Have your student take the Math Placement Test to find out what course level they are at.

    Take Placement Test
  • Reading Placement Test

    Find out what level book your student should be reading.

    Learn More