FAQs, Helps, and Extras
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Language Arts: Level 3 FAQs
Free Extra Resources
We encourage you to download the Answer Key and save it to your computer or other device.
Language Arts Level 3 Flip Through
What Makes Our Language Arts Curriculum Unique
I am teaching multiple children. What do I need to purchase?
Each child will need his or her own Level 3 Language Arts Course Book and Spelling Practice Book. The Phonics Read-Together Books are non-consumable and can be shared.
When is my child ready to begin the Level 3 course?
A child is ready for Level 3 Language Arts when he or she reaches third grade age and is able to pass the placement test reading passage included in the Language Arts Placement Test. Please see our Placement Test for additional placement suggestions and details.
How do I access the videos?
All the videos used in this course are available on the Homeschool app.
What resources should I add to enhance this course?
We recommend adding the following products to enhance learning for your Level 3 child, which can be purchased on our Language Arts Level 3 product page.
Badger Hills Farm Series