FAQs, Helps, and Extras

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Language Arts: Level 7 FAQs

Free Extra Resources

We encourage you to download the Answer Key and save it to your computer or other device.


How the Course Works

What Makes Our Language Arts Curriculum Unique

How to use the Geography and Grammar Cards

How to Complete Spelling Dictation


I am teaching multiple children. What do I need to purchase?

Each child in your household will need his or her own course book and Daily Checklist. The Course Companion, Level 7 Reader, and Geography & Grammar Cards are non-consumable and can be shared. However, it may be helpful for each child to have his or her own set of Geography & Grammar Cards.

When is my child ready to begin the Level 7 course?

A child is ready for Level 7 Language Arts when he or she reaches seventh grade age and is able to pass the placement test reading passage included in the Language Arts Placement Test. Please see our Placement Test for additional placement suggestions and details.

My child completed Level 7, is he or she really ready for High School Language Arts levels?

Yes, your child is now ready for our High School Language Arts levels. However, you may want your child to complete our Level 8 Book Studies before starting high school courses for some of the following reasons:

He or she finished Level 7 in the middle of a year and wants something to work on before starting high school in the upcoming school year.

He or she is not interested in eventually completing high school courses earlier than 12th grade.

He or she is not quite ready for more intense reading or needs more review of principles before moving on to high school courses.

He or she is not old enough for books with more mature (but still appropriate) topics and some wholesome romance.

The Level 8 Book Studies are optional; students do not need to complete any Book Study between Level 7 and high school. They do not teach any new grammar, punctuation, or usage principles. Rather, the Book Studies review principles learned through Level 7. However, the Book Studies include new literature, spelling words, memorization, geography, art, handwriting, and writing assignments.

Can I count Level 7 as high school credit?

The instruction in Level 7 is comparable to 9th grade work.

What do I do if my child has finished the Geography & Grammar cards?

Your child should review the completed cards once or twice a week to retain the information.