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New Editions FAQs

New Editions FAQs

Will there be new editions?

Language Arts New Edition Schedule (Schedule Last Updated July 2024)Any courses that do not have a future date do not have new editions in active development.

Preschool: A new edition replaced our Pre-K Language Arts course and was released on August 30, 2021.
Kindergarten Prep: Kindergarten Prep (which replaced our Level K Primer course) was released on April 19, 2022.
Level K: A new edition was released on June 7, 2022.
Level 1: A new edition was released on June 14, 2022.
Level 2: A new edition was released on July 12, 2022.
Level 3: A new edition was released on June 6, 2023.
Level 4 - 7: We plan to release new editions of these levels in 2026.Level 8: A new edition will be released in the coming years after the Levels 4 - 7 courses are released. It will be a full-length course that will replace our current Level 8 Book Studies.
High School LA Courses: We currently do not have any plans to release more high school language arts courses.

Can my child transition easily from the previous edition to a new edition?

Yes, children can easily transition from previous editions to our new editions by moving straight into the new edition of the next level when the previous edition is finished. If you are PARTWAY through a language arts course released before 2022 and you want to switch to the new edition of the course rather than finish the original edition, we suggest starting at the beginning of the new edition of the course and skipping sections already mastered. The scope and sequence of the new editions are completely changed.

How are the new editions different?

As we create new editions of language arts, we are aligning the courses more toward grade level. Lower-level courses focus more on reading, writing, and spelling. We now save some of the more complex grammar concepts for higher levels, but grammar is still covered thoroughly. Our courses have increased in thoroughness and rigor with more learning woven into each lesson.

The lessons have been shortened and the pacing has become more gentle, but the effectiveness with which children learn to read, write, and spell has improved and increased. The sequence has been streamlined, focusing on principles in a very sequential way and building upon prior knowledge. Many more geography principles are integrated. The new courses use a new, optional Letter Tiles app to assist with spelling practice.

If the courses are more aligned to grade level, should my child skip a level if he or she is using a previous edition and moving into a current edition?

You should never skip a course level without having your child take the Placement Test, including the reading level assessment for his or her corresponding age/grade level. If the child DOES pass the reading level assessment for his or her corresponding age/grade level, then you could choose any of these options:

  • Just keep going in order at a normal pace without skipping any course levels.
  • Do not skip any levels, but go through the courses more quickly until you reach your child’s corresponding grade level by doing more than one lesson a day or skipping sections your child has already mastered.
  • Skip to the course level that matches your child’s grade/age level if your child does not tend to get overwhelmed with language arts lessons.