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Discontinued History FAQs
Access Student Explorers and Audio Dramatizations for Previous Edition of History
Visit the password protected pages for each year of history to access the Student Explorers and Audio Dramatizations. Passwords can be located in the About the Course section of your history course book.
Download List of Suggested Read-Alouds for Each Year of the Previous Edition of History
Note that The Good and the Beautiful no longer sells the books recommended in the following lists individually or in History Book Packs, but the books suggested are still our top recommendations to read alongside each History unit.
Free Certificates of Completion
What age should my child start history?
We recommend starting history when your oldest child is in first or second grade. If you have older children completing the course, younger children may enjoy listening to the lessons as well.
Is this enough instruction for my high schooler?
Our family-style, four-year course comes with a high-school-level Student Explorer extension, which is sufficient to cover high school history requirements.
Do I need anything other than the history course set? What do I need to prepare?
The following additional items are needed:
1. Student Explorers: The physical course set includes PDF downloads of the Student Explorers. We do not offer physical, printed Student Explorers. They are black-and-white and easy to print at home. You will need to print one Student Explorer for each child, according to their grade level. (There are Student Explorers for grades 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12.) Once printed, three-hole punch and place in a binder.
2. Extra Supplies: The beginning of each lesson indicates whether or not extra supplies are needed. Minimal supplies are needed for the course, but it may be helpful to check the needs of 1-2 lessons in advance so that you have time to gather supplies.
3. Four Read-Aloud Books: You will need to select and obtain four read-aloud books—one for each unit—from our list of suggested read-aloud books for the course. We offer book packs with our top recommended book for each unit, or you can use our list of recommendations to choose your own. (Please note that the read-aloud books are optional and do not need to be purchased to complete the courses.)
I’m doing history with multiple students; what extra things do I need to have?
Nothing. Only one course set is needed for the whole family. You will need to prepare one Student Explorer for each child (according to their grade level). Access to PDF downloads of all Student Explorer levels is included with the history course set.
We already studied ancient history (Middle Ages, Renaissance, American History, etc). Where should we start?
All of our history courses (Years 1–4) cover ancient history through modern history, but each course stops in different places and time periods for more in-depth exploration. Some lessons reference things taught in a prior year, so it is suggested that you start with Year 1. Many customers have told us that even though they have previously covered some of the same periods in history, their children really enjoy doing them again with this approach. Our studies and testing have shown that it is effective for children to see the whole sweep of history and how it fits together with each year. In addition, children enjoy this approach as they can become disengaged when a year-long course focuses on the same time period, especially when learning ancient history. This approach also allows us to explore portions of U.S. history every year and place a stronger overall emphasis on U.S. history, the Founding Fathers, and principles of liberty.
How do I access the audio dramatizations and student explorers?
The Student Explorers and audio dramatizations will be available for the foreseeable future for customers who purchased the old History courses. You can access them above or from the respective pages:
The password is in the “About This Course” section at the beginning of your history course book.
The website address and password for the audio dramatization page is in the “About This Course” section at the beginning of your history course book. Once you open the page, you can stream the audio or download it. To download, right-click and choose “Save As.”
What should I name the history courses on my child's high school transcript, and how many credits is each course worth?
History 1: .5 US History, .5 World History
History 2: .5 US History, .5 World History
History 3: .5 US History, .5 World History
History 4: .5 US History, .5 World History
Note: The 4-year family style history program does not include any US Government credits.
How do I utilize the board game (or card game) if I only have one child doing history?
Yes! All of our games can be played with just you and your child. Playing games is a great way to help children memorize history facts. These games are the favorite part of the history curriculum for many children.
Do you include Greek mythology?
The Year 2 course covers ancient Greece, but it does not include any Greek mythology (other than briefly teaching what it was and how Greek gods compare to the true God). Parents who would like their children to study Greek mythology may do so by supplementing with another course on Greek mythology or by using read-aloud books on Greek mythology. The Year 2 course book gives suggestions for free, online Greek mythology stories you may incorporate into the lessons.
Why is the timeline not included in the Year 1 course?
We believe changing some of the course components each year avoids predictability and adds variation. The timeline is introduced in Year 2 and links concepts taught in both Years 1 and 2. The Year 1 course makes no reference to the timeline, and it is not necessary for the Year 1 course, but you may purchase and use the timeline with the Year 1 course if desired.
Why is there no Big Book of History Stories included in Year 2 or 4?
Changing some of the course components each year avoids predictability and adds variation. The Year 1 and Year 3 courses include a Big Book of History Stories, but Year 2 and Year 4 do not. Instead, Year 2 introduces the history timeline and Year 2 and Year 4 include a Maps and Images book.
We don’t live in the United States; is the history curriculum still a good choice for us?
We have many families from all around the world using our history curriculum. However, it is important to note that each course will include units that focus on US history. Families outside the US may want to supplement with the history of their native country. Those outside the US may choose to do all of the US history units, skip some of the lessons or units on US history, or quickly go through them.
Should I use the timeline with Year 1?
The Year 1 course makes no reference to the timeline, and it is not necessary for the Year 1 course, but you may use the timeline with the Year 1 course if desired.
Can I have the directions for the Bill of Rights Round-Up game?
Instructions for Cooperative Play (one team)
As a team, choose either the desert or plains corral. Shuffle just the playing cards (not the other cards) and set them on the board, face down. Draw a card and read the question on the back of the card to the first player. The player answers YES or NO. Older children should also explain the answer and say the amendment number that the question deals with. Once the answer is given, read the answer aloud to everyone. If the player answered correctly, he or she places a horse token in the corral on one of the dashed circles. Continue to the next player and repeat the steps. Players may take turns reading the cards to each other, or a designated narrator may read to each player. When all 10 horses have been rounded up into the corral, the game is over! You may want to set a timer and try to beat your time next time you play! You choose if players may or may not reference the Amendments Cards at any time during the game. You may want to set a time limit, requiring answers to be given within 60 seconds.
Instructions for Competitive Play (two teams)
Divide into two teams. Each team chooses a corral on the game board. Shuffle just the playing cards (not the other cards) and set them on the board, face down. Choose which team will go first. A member of Team 1 will draw a card and read the question. Team 2 answers YES or NO. Older children should also explain the answer and say the amendment number that the question deals with. When the answer is given, Team 1 will read the full answer. If Team 2 answered correctly, they will place a horse token in their corral on one of the dashed circles. Now Team 2 takes a turn. The first team to round up 10 horses in their corral wins! You choose if players may or may not reference the Amendments Cards at any time during the game. You may want to set a time limit, requiring answers to be given within 60 seconds.
Facts to Know
Read this card each time before you start playing the game.
An amendment is a change or addition to the Constitution. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States are referred to as the Bill of Rights.The Bill of Rights covers the freedoms that were not indicated in the United States Constitution, including freedom of speech and religion, and freedom from unlawful searches.
When the Constitution was signed in 1787, it was missing a Bill of Rights. Many people believed that the Constitution needed a section that preserved fundamental human rights.
James Madison wrote the first draft of the Bill of Rights. He was inspired by the writings of many different men, including George Mason. The Bill of Rights underwent many revisions before it was accepted.
The Bill of Rights came into effect in 1791, four years after the Constitution was signed.
Sadly, the original Bill of Rights only applied to white men who owned land. Black Americans did not receive equal protection under the Constitution for decades. Women were not given the right to vote in all U.S. states until 1920. Native Americans were not given full American citizenship until 1924.
Three men refused to sign the Constitution because there was not a Bill of Rights.
There have been more than 16 amendments added to the Constitution after the Bill of Rights
Can I have the directions for the History Houses game?
Number of players?: 2-6
Short Play: 5-20 minutes
Full Play: 30-60 minutes
The object of the game is to be the first to build a History House.
There are nine History Houses, each belonging to a certain era: Ancient History, the Middle Ages, the Reformation, Colonial America, the U.S. Westward Expansion, the U.S. Civil War Era, the Industrial revolution, World War I and World War II, and the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. Each house is "built" from six cards, which are pieced together like a puzzle.
The first player to "build" a History House from all six cards of any era wins the game!
The game includes 54 History House cards with a piece of a History House picture on the front. On the back of each History House card there are two questions, a "junior" question (on top) and a "senior" question (on bottom), along with the answer to each question and extra information about the topic. Determine before the game starts whether the players will have to answer one or both questions to keep the card. If desired, different players may play at different levels in the same game. As an option, the "senior" question (on bottom) can be used as a "second chance" question when the "junior" question (on top) is answered incorrectly.
Short play is perfect for beginners or for anyone who only has a short amount of time to play.
Full play is the best way to experience the full effect of the action-packed learning and fun.
Split into two teams. Choose two History House sets (for example, the Middle Ages and the U.S. Civil War) and pull the six cards from each set out of the deck. Only these 12 cards will be used for the game; set the rest of the cards aside.
Determine whether the "junior" questions, the "senior" questions, or both will be used for the game.
Team A holes Team B's cards and Team B holds Team A's cards. the team with the youngest member goes first (Team A). Team B reads a question from a card they are holding aloud to Team A. If Team A answers the questions(s) correctly, they get to keep the card and use it to "build" their History House. If they get the answer wrong, Team B holds on to that card and Team A will get a second chance to answer the question(s_ on that card during a future turn. Next, Team A reads a question from a card they are holding to Team B. The Teams continue to take turns reading questions to the opposite team until one team has completed their house.
Shuffle all of the cards and stack them in a pile with the questions facing down. This is the DRAW pile. Determine who the first player will be.
Game play includes two step for each turn.
Step 1: The player draws the card on top of the DRAW pile.
If the player draws a History House card, the player hands it to any other player who can read (a "reader") without looking at the questions or answers on the back of the card. The reader reads the question (or questions) to the player whose turn it is. Note: Hints are allowed for younger or beginner players. If the player answers the questions correctly, they get to keep the card and use it to "build" a History House.
To "build" a History House means to lay the card picture side up in front of you, piecing it together with cards from the same History House, which can be determined by the border color (see the inside flap of the box for a KEY).
If the player does not answer correctly, the card goes in the DISCARD pile. Whether the player gets the answer correct or not, the reader should finish reading the entire answer before either giving the card to the player or placing it in the DISCARD pile.
If the player draws an Action card, the player reads the card and follows the instructions.
Step 2: If the player earned a History House card this turn, he or she has the option (but is not required) to trade.
If the player wishes to trade, he or she chooses a card that he or she has "built" and trades it for any History House card that any other player has "built," as long as the card being taken is not already in a set of four or more. Any set of four or more History House cards pieced together is SAFE from being taken by any other player for the remainder of the game. If no other player has "built" any cards yet, trading is not an option. After trading, or declining to trade, the player's turn ends.
The person to the right of the first player takes a turn, following the same steps. Continue until one of the players "builds" and entire History House and wins the game!
In the event the DRAW pile runs out, shuffle the DISCARD pile and make it the new DRAW pile.
Can I get the instructions to the Explorers and Settlers Game?
Yes, please find below a direct link to the instructions.
Explorers and Settlers Game Instructions
Do you still plan to release an economics and finance course?
We do although we do not have a release date or any further details at this time.