FAQs, Helps, and Extras
We’re here to help you every step of the way!
Science for Little Hearts and Hands FAQs
Science for Little Hearts and Hands—Fields and Flowers Flip Through
Science for Little Hearts and Hands—Wind and Waves Flip Through
Science for Little Hearts and Hands—Sparks and Stars Flip Through
Science for Little Hearts and Hands—Bones and Stones Flip Through
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For what age is Science for Little Hearts and Hands designed?
Science for Little Hearts and Hands was created as an introduction to science for preschoolers through second grade. Older or younger children may enjoy it very much as well! We invite you to view the sample pages available on our website for further insights into the course and if it will be a good fit for your children.
Should I use Science for Little Hearts and Hands, the K–8 science units, or both?
Science for Little Hearts and Hands was created specifically with families who are teaching only children in 2nd grade or younger in mind. Although Science for Little Hearts and Hands could be completed for younger children in addition to completing our science units for older children, many families find it very easy to include younger children in the family-style learning of our science units so you only need to teach one course to all of your children. It’s up to you and how much time you have.
What items do I need to teach Science for Little Hearts and Hands?
You will need one copy of the Parent Guide, one copy of The Big Book of Science Stories, and access to a device to watch videos or listen to audios. A supply list for activity supplies is included below and in the Parent Guide.
Science for Little Hearts and Hands—Fields and Flowers Supply List
Science for Little Hearts and Hands—Wind and Waves Supply List
Science for Little Hearts and Hands—Sparks and Stars Supply List
How do I teach Science for Little Hearts and Hands?
The Parent Guide will walk you through how to teach each lesson. Simply follow the instructions in the Parent Guide. Each lesson was written to take 20 minutes or less, but that time may vary if your child has further questions and now wants to explore additional activities.
How many lessons are there and how long does each lesson take?
Each course has 30 lessons. Lesson length will vary greatly between children. Have the child do as much work each day as the child’s attention span will allow. You do not need to complete one lesson a day. You might do more or less than that. Look for cues of frustration or fatigue to help you know when to finish. The child will learn much from you as you display love, patience, and enthusiasm for learning. At this age, it’s important that the learning feels more like fun to the child than something forced or unpleasant.
Are the science units consumable? Do I just need one copy per family or group?
The Parent Guide and The Big Book of Science Stories are both nonconsumable.
You only need to purchase one copy per family or group of up to 8 students. Additional copies must be purchased for larger groups, with one set per 8 students required for group use.
Are the videos or audios required to complete the lessons?
The videos and audios are a large component of the course and skipping them is not recommended. Every other lesson includes a quick, engaging, and informative video or audio that expands on the lesson topic. These can be streamed or downloaded.
Do you include any specific doctrine?
No, the goal of our curriculum is not to teach doctrines specific to any particular Christian denomination but to teach general principles, such as honesty, hard work, and kindness.
Will there be additional Little Hearts and Hands Courses?
Science for Little Hearts and Hands is a series of five planned courses for preschool through second grade that will follow children through the younger years.
Science forLittle Hearts and Hands—Fields and Flowers released on April 19, 2022.
Science forLittle Hearts and Hands—Wind and Waves released on June 27, 2023.
Science forLittle Hearts and Hands—Sparks and Stars released on February 6, 2024.
Science forLittle Hearts and Hands—Bones and Stones released on January 14, 2025.
Our fifth course is planned for Summer 2025.