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Simply Good and Beautiful Math FAQs
Simply Good and Beautiful Math FAQs
I want to switch to Simply Good and Beautiful Math. Where do I start?
Welcome! We encourage you to start with our Math Placement Test found here:
Math Placement Test
We also encourage you to review the extensive sample pages on our website. The sample pages for each course include the table of contents.
Do you offer the courses in printed and PDF format?
Yes! However, our manipulative items are mainly made from wood and not from chipboard, paper, or cardstock and are not offered in PDF format.
Are the PDFs for Simply Good and Beautiful Math free like the Language Arts?
Just like our Language Arts, Simply Good and Beautiful Math K-7 PDFs are free to download.
Do any of the levels use the same Math Box?
No. Simply Good and Beautiful Math K-3 each have different Math Boxes. Simply Good and Beautiful Math 4-5 do not have Math Boxes.
Does it follow a mastery or spiral approach?
Simply Good and Beautiful Math is mainly a spiral curriculum, constantly reviewing concepts your student has learned to ensure he or she understands and retains the information.
You can also view our blog post about why spiral math works.
Is the Math curriculum advanced like the language arts courses or do the levels match general grade levels?
Our courses are aligned to be on average grade level. Many concepts are considered advanced but are introduced in lessons that are easy to follow for both the child (in the self-guided levels) and the parent (in levels 3 and under).
I’m teaching Math to multiple children. Which items do I need?
Each child will need his or her own consumable Course Book.
If the children are being taught as a group, ideally each child should have their own Math Box. Sharing the manipulatives in the Math Box would render the lessons less effective and cause them to take a much longer amount of time.
If the children are being taught individually, the Math Box may be shared.
How do I get started?
Gather the supplies needed. You are then ready to open to the first lesson and follow the instructions. You do not need to read the lessons before teaching them.
Is there an answer key?
Every level of Simply Good and Beautiful Math has an answer key except for Math K since this level is so basic.
Simply Good and Beautiful Math 1 has a free PDF answer keys available. Simply Good and Beautiful Math 2-5 have both free PDF and purchasable physical answer keys available.
Do the courses have many moving parts?
A huge focus of Simply Good and Beautiful Math is increasing the simplicity and ease for children and parents. Simply Good and Beautiful Math has a minimum number of items and moving parts in the math boxes. The lessons are also concise while maintaining the highest academic standards.
Do the courses contain stories?
Yes! Simple, short stories about children like yours and everyday life are woven throughout the course books.
Is there diversity in your courses?
Yes! Our Simply Good and Beautiful Math Courses feature a significant amount of diversity.
My child loves games. Do you have those in Simply Good and Beautiful Math?
Yes! We want to make learning fun for you and your child. Games, puzzles, and more are included right in the course book. No need to search for game mats or instructions as they are part of the lessons.
Does Simply Good and Beautiful Math follow Common Core?
Our curriculum does not follow Common Core standards, but it does match or exceed most national public school standards. The academic spine of our curriculum was developed by compiling national state standards and then determining which ones match Good and Beautiful moral standards and the abilities of our pilot families. We believe that children who work on The Good and the Beautiful curriculum consistently each day will find that they are far above public school standards.
Do you include any specific doctrine?
No, the goal of our curriculum is not to teach doctrines specific to any particular Christian denomination but to teach general principles, such as honesty, hard work, and kindness. All Bible references in our curriculum use the King James Version.