Start History

**Important Note**
History Years 1–4 are being discontinued. All complete physical course sets are permanently out of stock. On February 1, all PDFs and in-stock physical items from our current History courses were removed from the website and will not be restocked. Resources accompanying the current courses such as Student Explorers and Audio Dramatizations will be available into the foreseeable future on the History FAQs, Helps, and Extras page.
All sales for discontinued items are final. US Constitution and Government is NOT being discontinued.

Start US Constitution and Government
The US Constitution and Government course for grades 4-8 includes interactive lessons, an exciting full-length book, inspirational audio biographies, and much more.
This 32-lesson course transports students into the lives of the United States’ Founding Fathers and Mothers. Additionally, it covers important events and documents which formed America’s government.
Children gain a deep understanding of the principles guiding those who founded America’s Republic: justice, liberty, duty, and equality.
New Updates
See all the latest information about the updates for History Years 1–4. If you have our current editions, you will still be able to access all the digital extras on the website as described in the About This Course pages in the front of the course book or by clicking one of the four History courses above.
Click here to see the latest updates.

Coming Soon!
Our development team is deep in the creation of brand-new History courses. History Year 1 is anticipated to release in March of 2025 and History Years 2–4 are scheduled to release every six months after that.