Math 5: Quick Start
Welcome to Simply Good and Beautiful Math 5
Before You Begin
Starting Simply Good and Beautiful Math 5 is simple.
All of our Simply Good and Beautiful Math courses are open-and-go! You do not need to read or prepare anything on a daily basis.
It is, however, extremely helpful to spend a few minutes getting an overview of the course. Here are a few highlights specific to Math 5 to help you and your child have a successful start.

Required Items Needed for Math 5
We have simplified teaching math! Get started with just three items:
- Math 5 Course Book
- Math 5 Mental Math Map Mysteries
- Answer Key (This can be shared within your household.)
Click on each item below to order additional items or for more information.
If something is missing from your order, contact our Customer Support Team at and we will be happy to help you.
Optional Items
Math 5 Video Lessons
Themed videos provide detailed teaching and guided practice of the lesson topic.
Three ways to access the video lessons:
- Scan the QR code in your course book
- Download the FREE Homeschool app
- Visit
The videos contain the bulk of the teaching for Math 5 and are highly recommended. However, if your student feels confident in the topic being taught, skip the video and read the mini lesson instead. Encourage students who are struggling with the practice activities to go back and watch the video.
Some families may prefer the parent/teacher teach the child using the mini lesson rather than using the video lessons.

Supplies Needed
In addition to the course book and Math 5 Mental Math Map Mysteries, have these items available daily:
- Simply Good and Beautiful Math Scratch Pad or other scratch paper
- Device to access videos (highly recommended)
- Pencils, colored pencils, & scissors
- Protractor
- Standard dice
- Paper clip
- Coin
- Ruler
- 1 index card or cardstock
- Tape

How This Course Works
How This Course Works
About This Course
TheAbout the Coursepages in the front of your course book contain details unique to Math 5. Find everything you need to know at About the Course.
Course Overview
Simply Good and Beautiful Math 5 contains 120 lessons. Students complete the course independently, but parents/ teachers participate in lessons as much they would like.
This course is divided into four units, each with a unit assessment. A physical answer key comes with the purchase of the physical course set. A PDF answer key can be found on the Math 5 FAQs page.
Simply Good and Beautiful Mathteaches through a spiral approach. Each lesson introduces a new concept, gives the child an opportunity to practice the concept, and then reviews previously learned material. Learn more about spiral math in the video below.
Lesson Overview

Most lessons are three pages and consist of four parts: a video lesson, mini lesson, lesson practice, and review.
- Video Lesson: Themed videos provide detailed teaching of the lesson topic. Scan the QR code in the book, download the free Homeschool app, or go to to access the videos.
- Mini Lesson: A concise written lesson.
- Lesson Practice: Practice dedicated to the lesson concept.
- Review: Daily review of topics from previous lessons, including multiplication facts.
- Math 5 Mental Math Map Mysteries: Daily mental math practice.
- A Reference Guide is included at the end of the course book.
Getting Started

Simply open the course book and start learning! Students watch the video lesson or read the mini lesson. Please note that videos may contain material not included in the written mini lesson. After completing the video and/or mini lesson, the student completes the lesson practice and review sections. A parent/teacher grades the student’s work daily and provides immediate help and feedback.
Students also complete one section in their Math 5 Mental Math Map Mysteries book with each math lesson. Full directions for the Mental Math Map Mysteries book are included in the About This Course PDF.
Skills Taught in Math 5

Math 5 provides a strong mathematical foundation, with lessons in:
- Angles
- Area & circumference of circles
- Divisibility rules
- Greatest common factors & least common multiples
- Perfect squares & square roots
- Prime factorization
- Ratios & Proportions
And much more!
For a complete list of all the concepts taught, see the Table of Contents and the Unit Overview pages found in the About the Course.

Learn how to break in your new books here.
Visit FAQs Page
Math 1 frequently asked questions, answer key, and other resources.
Download Helps
For help with downloading or printing digital files, click below.
Do you have more questions? Email our friendly customer support team, and we will be happy to help you further! Emails are answered Monday–Saturday throughout the day. Most emails are answered within 1 business day (Monday–Friday).