Level 8 Book Studies: Language Arts
Level 8 Book Study: Abraham Lincoln
Course Set
Level 8 Book Study: Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln by Wilbur Fisk Gordy
Level 8 Book Study: The Touch of Magic and The Story of My Life
The Touch of Magic and The Story of My Life by Lorena A. Hickok and Helen Keller
Level 8 Book Study: Wild Like the Foxes
Wild Like the Foxes: by Anauta
High School: Grammar & Writing Guide
Each Level 8 Book Study contains self-guided lessons that lead the student through the chosen book as he or she studies language arts, geography, and art.
Items needed to complete a book study: the book study booklet, the novel, Grammar and Writing Guide (this non-consumable guide is also used for the high school courses.), a blank (unlined) notebook for writing and drawing, and art supplies specific to each book study.
For more information, download each book study sample and read the “About the Book Study” section.
Why were the book studies created?
The Good and the Beautiful curriculum has no Level 8 Language Arts course. The language arts courses go from Level 7 to the high school courses. Level 8 Book Studies are designed for students who have completed the Level 7 Language Arts Course but do not want to start high school courses yet.

Available Book Studies
Level 8 Book Study: Abraham Lincoln
Level 8 Book Study: The Touch of Magic and The Story of My Life
Level 8 Book Study: Wild Like the Foxes
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Christian Worldview
Learn MoreRead about our general Christian worldview that does not contain doctrine specific to any Christian denomination.
The Good and the Beautiful Christian Worldview
<p>The Good and the Beautiful curriculum takes a general Christian worldview, focusing, not on the doctrine of any particular Christian church, but on high moral character and basic Bible principles such as gratitude, honesty, prayer, and kindness. Parents can add in their own doctrinal beliefs as desired.<p>
<p>The curriculum is reviewed by members of many different faiths to make sure that the curriculum does not include doctrine specific to any Christian church. We have reviewers and users of the following denominations and more: Lutheran, Assemblies of God, Catholic, Baptist, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mennonite, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Nazarene, Methodist, Non-Denominational, and Seventh Day Adventists.</p>
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