
The Screwtape Letters

by C.S. Lewis

The Screwtape Letters Book Study is available to accompany this book.

Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Thus writes the deviously cunning Screwtape to his nephew and underling ,Wormwood, a young devil assigned to tempt and beguile a human “patient.” Through their correspondence, sometimes comic but always cuttingly insightful, C.S. Lewis explores the very nature of good and evil, exposing our universal human failings and our desperate need for communion with God. Though Lewis once said about The Screwtape Letters that he “never wrote with less enjoyment” because of the “spiritual cramp” created by writing from the point of view of a devil, his efforts have uplifted the minds and souls of millions of readers throughout the world. In shining a light on Hell and its endless deceits, Lewis helps point the way to Heaven for all of us.     

  • 209 pages
  • Perfect binding