We Love Your Smiles!
Submit your photos! We love to see how The Good and the Beautiful lives around the world. As our company grows, we want to gather beautiful, real-life images of families using The Good and the Beautiful curriculum, library books, and elective courses.

This is where you come in! We’ve seen the fantastic and inspiring pictures of your family’s homeschooling adventures on social media and need your help.
Use the Google form below to submit your best photos for our collection!
If your image is chosen to be featured in an ad, social media post, anywhere on a website, or in other marketing materials, we’ll send you a $50 gift code to use in The Good and the Beautiful online store!
Photo Submission Guidelines
- Photos must be high-resolution ( between 3MB and 10MB). We want them to be crisp, clear, and focused.
- We are looking for square, horizontal, and even vertical images for social media stories. Feel free to submit any or all!
- Please do not have other companies’ curriculum or books in the photos. Non-curriculum props, such as pencils and chalkboards, are great. However, keep them very minimal and only feature books and curriculum from The Good and the Beautiful.
- Important note: Please showcase only the most recent editions of our curriculum. If you are unsure, check the product page to see if your cover matches.
- Here are some ideas to jump-start your creativity. Capture your child engaged in a language arts or math lesson. Show us your children working on an art project from a course book or creative elective. What about typing or learning cursive? We love pictures of children reading our library books or working on a science experiment. We require children to be using proper pencil grip if pictured writing, but we do like to see course books that are written in!
- Consider your background too. We love to see children learning at a table or desk, but it is fun to read in a comfy chair or learn outdoors in nature. How creative can you get?
- We are looking for photos of children of all ages using any of our current-edition products! Currently, we are looking for pictures of children with new Science units (experiments too!), new Language Arts courses with or without the Reading Booster Program, and anything fun with little ones!
- We love all your smiling faces, but don’t want everything to be posed either. Think natural and simple.
- FYI: You will be notified only if we decide to use your image, as it is too time-consuming to give feedback on every submission. We plan to use these images for the foreseeable future, so you may hear from us at any time. Thank you for understanding!

We love seeing how you use The Good and the Beautiful in your home. Thank you!
Please reach out to support@goodandbeautiful.com with any specific questions not answered above.
Note: If you wish to rescind or retract your submission or if you have any questions, please email us at support@goodandbeautiful.com.
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