
The Farmer in the Dell: Lyrics & Story
Young children love singing songs about farm animals. “The Farmer in the Dell” is a fun song about a farmer who gets married, has a family, and fills his farm...
The Farmer in the Dell: Lyrics & Story
Young children love singing songs about farm animals. “The Farmer in the Dell” is a fun song about a farmer who gets married, has a family, and fills his farm...

Hickory, Dickory, Dock
In the beloved telling-time nursery rhyme “Hickory, Dickory, Dock,” a little mouse runs up and down the clock every hour, making this rhyme a perfect tool for helping children learn...
Hickory, Dickory, Dock
In the beloved telling-time nursery rhyme “Hickory, Dickory, Dock,” a little mouse runs up and down the clock every hour, making this rhyme a perfect tool for helping children learn...

Color Words Songs
Spelling color words is fun and easy with our beautifully illustrated gentle color songs and free downloadable PDF color words handwriting pages. Sing and spell along with the colorfully illustrated...
Color Words Songs
Spelling color words is fun and easy with our beautifully illustrated gentle color songs and free downloadable PDF color words handwriting pages. Sing and spell along with the colorfully illustrated...

Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Old MacDonald’s farm is one of the most well-known farms around. The noisy animals make the farm a favorite among children. Keep reading to find out more about this song...
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Old MacDonald’s farm is one of the most well-known farms around. The noisy animals make the farm a favorite among children. Keep reading to find out more about this song...

Take Me Out to the Ball Game
“Take Me Out to the Ball Game” is one of America’s favorite songs! All who love baseball are familiar with the lyrics and tune. Keep reading to learn about the...
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
“Take Me Out to the Ball Game” is one of America’s favorite songs! All who love baseball are familiar with the lyrics and tune. Keep reading to learn about the...

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
“Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” is one of the oldest English nursery rhymes with a very recognizable melody. Do you know its familiar tune? Here’s a hint. The melody is similar...
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
“Baa, Baa, Black Sheep” is one of the oldest English nursery rhymes with a very recognizable melody. Do you know its familiar tune? Here’s a hint. The melody is similar...

Away in a Manger Lyrics and Song
“Away in a Manger” is one of the most recognized and loved Christmas songs heard each Christmas season. How was this late-19th-century American hymn mistakenly credited to 16th-century German Martin...
Away in a Manger Lyrics and Song
“Away in a Manger” is one of the most recognized and loved Christmas songs heard each Christmas season. How was this late-19th-century American hymn mistakenly credited to 16th-century German Martin...

We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Spread good cheer throughout the month of December with the song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”! In this blog post, read about some of our favorite ways to share...
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Spread good cheer throughout the month of December with the song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”! In this blog post, read about some of our favorite ways to share...

Over the River Lyrics & Story
“Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go” are familiar lines families sing on holiday road trips to Grandma’s house. But did you know the author...
Over the River Lyrics & Story
“Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go” are familiar lines families sing on holiday road trips to Grandma’s house. But did you know the author...

Itsy Bitsy Spider
What nursery rhyme character has eight legs? In America, it’s the “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” In Australia and Great Britain, it’s known as the “Incy Wincy Spider.” Itsy Bitsy Spider The...
Itsy Bitsy Spider
What nursery rhyme character has eight legs? In America, it’s the “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” In Australia and Great Britain, it’s known as the “Incy Wincy Spider.” Itsy Bitsy Spider The...